There are a number of fees and taxes which will be payable on any property that you purchase in Spain.
These will vary for each property however the general likelihood is that 13% of the purchase price will be needed to cover all costs. There are two taxes to pay – the first is the Andalucian transfer tax (known as Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales).
This is charged on all private re-sale properties and equates to 7% of the declared value within the contract however, this is due to rise in 2023 according to the price of the property chosen.
If you purchase a brand new home directly from a property developer the tax will be 10% charged on re-sale properties although it will be known as IVA (the same as VAT in the UK) as it is referred to as a business transaction rather than a transfer between two private individuals.
The second tax levied is the document tax, which is charged at 1,5%.
Notary fees are fixed with an official scale of charges. The fees will vary according to the amount of land, the size of the property and the price at which the property is being sold. The costs of the Notary can be shared although often, the buyer will be expected to pay all Notary costs (especially when buying from the Spanish).
The property Register will be updated with the new buyer’s details once the transfer has gone through and the charges for this will be similar to the costs for the notary.