Retirement Living in Marbella: A Coastal Paradise to Enjoy Your Golden Years

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Living Retirement in Marbella. Senior couple enjoying their retirement on the beach

Retirement Living in Marbella: A Coastal Paradise to Enjoy Your Golden Years

Marbella, the jewel of the Costa del Sol, is an idyllic place for those seeking a retirement filled with sunshine, beaches, and luxury. With its Mediterranean climate, beautiful beaches, vibrant cultural scene, and a wide range of exclusive services, Marbella has become a dream destination for those looking to enjoy an exceptional quality of life in their retirement. Over the course of many decades, Marbella has become the preferred location for both Spaniards and foreigners who wish to retire on the Iberian Peninsula. The expatriate population choosing this beautiful coast as their retirement spot consists of people from various places, such as Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Russia.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why Marbella is the perfect choice for your retirement and how you can make the most of your life in this coastal paradise.

Read our article on: Discover why Marbella is the perfect place to live

A Healthy Lifestyle

The quality of life in Marbella is unparalleled. The opportunity to enjoy a Mediterranean diet, rich in fresh and healthy foods, contributes to a healthier life and active aging. Additionally, outdoor activities like walking, cycling, and golf are popular among Marbella residents, promoting an active and energetic lifestyle even in retirement.

Culture and Gastronomy

Marbella offers a rich culture and a relaxed lifestyle that attracts people who want to enjoy their retirement in a welcoming and social environment. Expats find in Marbella a place where they can easily integrate and enjoy the diversity of the international community living in the area. Furthermore, Mediterranean cuisine is a delight for food lovers, and Marbella is famous for its high-quality restaurants offering a wide variety of international and local dishes.

We recommend you to read this article: Marbella: a gastronomic paradise with international influences

Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities

The Costa del Sol is known for its breathtaking natural beauty. With over 150 kilometers of coastline and golden sandy beaches, it is the perfect place for those who want to live close to the sea. Additionally, Marbella’s proximity to the mountains provides opportunities for excursions and enjoying nature at its best. The diversity of landscapes and pleasant climate allow for a wide range of outdoor activities throughout the year.

Real Estate Opportunities and Quality of Life

Marbella has become a highly attractive real estate investment destination. With an active property market and a wide range of available properties, retirees find in Marbella an excellent opportunity to invest in their ideal home. Moreover, the cost of living in Marbella is lower compared to other places in Europe, allowing for a high quality of life at an affordable price.

Don’t miss this article: The 5 best beaches in Marbella that you can’t miss

What about my pension if I retire in Marbella?

If you are planning to retire in Marbella and are traveling from a country within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), your contributions to social security in other EU countries may count towards calculating your entitlement to a Spanish pension. Once you reach the legal retirement age in the country you reside in, in this case, Marbella, with a legal retirement age of 65 years and 10 months, you will be entitled to start receiving your pensions. The country you come from will handle the processing of your application and gather your records from the countries you have previously worked in.

Spain also has bilateral Social Security agreements with some non-European countries. Depending on the country, these agreements may offer different conditions for the transfer of your pension and social security benefits. Marbella is a city where many foreigners have chosen to retire, so the municipality and banks are familiar with receiving pensions from abroad. In fact, Marbella welcomes retirees and facilitates the receipt of their pensions from abroad.

Who can retire in Marbella?

There are no restrictions on who can retire in Marbella. However, it is important to consider visa and residency permit requirements for those who are not citizens of the European Union.

What documents are needed to obtain a retirement visa in Marbella?

When applying for a retirement visa in Marbella, it is important to consider the necessary documents to complete the process. The following are typical documents required:

  • Valid passport: A valid passport with a minimum validity of one year must be submitted. Make sure you have enough validity time on your passport before applying for the visa.
  • Passport photos: Two recent passport-sized colour photos are usually required, following the appropriate specifications according to official document photography standards.
  • Proof of sufficient funds: You will need to demonstrate that you have the necessary financial resources to support yourself during your retirement in Marbella. This may include bank statements, sworn statements of support, pension proofs, dividends, or other income sources.
  • Police clearance: A certificate of criminal records demonstrating that you have not committed any offenses will be required. These documents must be translated into Spanish and have the Apostille stamp for legitimacy.
  • Medical insurance: It is necessary to have medical insurance that meets the requirements established by Spanish authorities. The insurance must be provided by a Spanish private insurance provider and cover at least the same as the Spanish public healthcare system. The medical insurance must have a minimum validity of one year.
  • Medical certificate: An original medical certificate issued by a physician stating that you do not have any contagious diseases, drug addiction, or other relevant medical history is required.
  • Income tax declaration: A recent income tax declaration may be requested to demonstrate your financial situation and comply with the established requirements.

Do expatriate pensions in Marbella incur taxes?

In Marbella and throughout Spain, expatriate pensions are subject to taxes and are considered part of general income, which is taxed at progressive rates ranging from 8% to 40%, depending on total income. However, contributions made to Spanish pensions are tax-deductible, which can help reduce the tax burden.

It is important to note that non-residents in Spain, meaning those who receive foreign pensions, only pay taxes on income sourced from Spain and not on foreign income. This means that remittances from foreign pensions are not subject to taxes for non-residents.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that there are tax benefits and double taxation agreements between Spain and several countries, which can affect the tax treatment of pensions received by expatriates in Marbella. These agreements may allow for the reduction or exemption of taxes on pensions, depending on individual circumstances and the specific terms of the agreement between the countries involved.

If you dream of a retirement filled with sunshine, leisure, and an excellent quality of life, Marbella is the perfect destination for you. Come and discover the retirement paradise on the Costa del Sol!

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